Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Want faster broadband? Vote now BT - The Race to Infinity

BT are giving everyone the chance to vote for which areas get the next generation of faster broadband.  Ensure the Ilkely and Addingham area is well represented, we don't get great ADSL broadband speeds here, and we might be in with a chance.

BT - The Race to Infinity

Monday, 15 November 2010

Fake Antivirus and Antimalware - now they phone you up to scare you!

Interesting article on the BBC entitled Warning over anti-virus cold calls to UK internet users covering some findings from the Get Safe Online annual report.

Not content with scaring people into clicking on links and fake dialogue boxes to get users to install malicious software on their computers, organised gangs are now cold calling people on the phone and scaring them too.

Don't fall foul of this (and don't be scared off using the internet either).  Read the oceans of good advice out there on sites like Get Safe Online and others that are linked from my previous posts, as well as the useful links section on the Addingham IT website.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Fake Antivirus and Anitmalware Update

Previous posts have been updated linking to useful information by BBC Click